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Writer's pictureRenwickRocks

Too Proud to Beg, Too Dumb to Steal

Updated: Oct 15, 2024

These lyrics of the song "It's Probably Me," written by Sting, Clapton and Kamen can be a source of great motivation to dig diligently and excavate what lies buried deep within.

Courtesy of Wix Media.

If you're like most people I know, you have a sincere, burning desire to build a successful career and live a fulfilled life. If you've had a glimpse of a sunrise or sunset, a flower in bloom, a lady or gentleman adorned in attractive clothing, someone driving a comfortable automobile or living in a cozy home, you may have experienced more than a flicker of desire for some of the finer possessions, comforts and experiences in life.

Cultivate Desire

Desire is one of the most powerful forces in human motivation, especially when it is fertilized with written goals, affirmations and visual images that build emotion-filled anticipation for pleasing outcomes. Nurturing desire by actively using every sense to identify pleasure can be incredibly valuable for keeping you excited about a bright future and inspiring you to become and do what is required for the dreams to be realized.

Clarify Your Vision

A vision for a better life provides the impetus to change and grow in ways that are congruent with realizing your most treasured desires. It often provides the catalyst for practicing the requisite humility to acknowledge what you need to learn, and it stimulates the necessary discipline to engage in the behaviors that prepare and position you to achieve your dreams.

Sharpen Your Focus

Take time out to identify the environment, experiences and results that really matter to you. Give careful consideration to the many approaches and resources that merit exploration for the purpose of helping you accomplish your objectives. You will become increasingly aware of the multiple ways in which you're not alone. A universe of resources immediately become available, accessible, and ready to assist.


Many of us have been raised in cultures that encourage and give recognition to independence and individual achievement. As a result, it is not surprising to find that asking for advice or assistance is not a practice that comes easily or is engaged in as much as would be helpful for accelerating success. I have found that developing confidence in your own abilities and motives will empower you to ask with politeness and positive expectancy, useful elements in approaches that will help you obtain much needed support.

Do Something

It is true that the world is filled with educated derelicts. It is also true that workplaces and executive suites are filled with charlatans that steal ideas and credit for good things accomplished. Don’t become one. Move beyond studying about success and implement ideas and suggestions that have a great likelihood of helping you be better or more valuable. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes or being criticized. Refuse to be paralyzed by the thoughts or opinions of others.

Take pride in your ignorance. But take steps to reduce it. Be humble in expressing your commitment to achieving lofty dreams and desires. And above all, shape your attitudes and habits so that you emerge in life with a greater willingness to learn and work imaginatively to achieve your grand vision for your life, because you're “too proud to beg, too dumb to steal.”

My desire is to help you develop habits of thought and action that will make you irresistible and financially invincible. Together, through intentional and achievable steps, we can make your future bright, build your wealth and give you the freedom you deserve in your business and life. Today is your day. Let’s get started with a conversation.

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